“Drew Friedman isn’t just a brilliant artist. He takes you to a place. He takes you back in time. He makes you smell the stale cigarettes and cold brisket and you say, thank you for the pleasure.”
— Sarah Silverman
“In a world that’s increasingly driven by media hype, it’s refreshing to find an individual voice who’s willing to stick up for the odd and the outrageous.”
— Leonard Maltin
“Drew Friedman is a guilty pleasure. I cringe when I realize, ‘Hey, wait a minute, I’m getting older and wrinklier too’.”
— Matt Groening
“I stand in awe of Drew Friedman’s technique and the certain flavor of sad old America he captures. He’s an awesome talent. I love this guy’s stuff.”
— R. Crumb
“I’m a cockeyed fan of the astonishingly wonderful Drew Friedman and his merciless honesty. It has been delightful to watch Friedman chase Hogarth, Kley, Nast, and them guys over the hill. Drew is to art what Guernica was to human observation.”
— Harlan Ellison
“Drew Friedman is the greatest living portrait artist.”
— Mark Frauenfelder, BoingBoing
“Drew Friedman’s portraits capture his subject’s best and worst qualities at once. His work is both beautiful and grotesque, brilliant and cruel.”
— Jimmy Kimmel
“Friedman’s liver-spots-‘n’-wrinkles style of cartoon
realism is completely mesmerizing.”
— Entertainment Weekly
“Drew Friedman is my favorite artist.”
— Howard Stern
“The Thomas Nast of our time.”
— Slate
“He’s the finest caricaturist of his generation.”
— Booklist