Drew Friedman’s new portrait of octogenarian Groucho Marx, sporting a Capt. Spaulding pith helmet and cigar, will appear as cover art on the forthcoming second edition of Raised Eyebrows: My Years Inside Groucho’s House, Steve Stoliar’s memoir of working for the comedy legend during the mid-1970s. The book will be published by Bear Manor. (The chronicle was first issued by another publisher in 1996 with different, non-Drew Friedman cover art.) is producing a very limited edition of fifteen (15) artist-signed prints offered solely thru our mailing list. Any unsold prints after the exclusive launch will be offered to the public at our discretion. These prints are offered on a first-come, first-served basis. (See box below for availability of remaining prints.) Once the run sells out, the work will not be offered in any other fine art print format.
This offering is not connected with Bear Manor Books, and the print contains no company logos or marks. It is produced and offered exclusively by