James Whale’s classic 1935 horror film The Bride of Frankenstein, the sequel to his 1931 feature Frankenstein, famously ends on a tragic note. After the Frankenstein monster (played by Boris Karloff) is rejected by his newly created bride-to-be (portrayed by Elsa Lanchester), he cries, “She hate me! Like others.”
The monster sees on the wall an enormous lever which is intended to blow up the tower laboratory. (In those days, every creepy laboratory in a film had an oversized “doomsday” lever.) The monster is warned by Dr. Pretorius: “Don’t touch that lever! You’ll blow us all to atoms!” In a moment of somber grace, the monster tells Dr. Henry Frankenstein and his young fiancé Elizabeth to flee to safety. To Dr. Pretorius and the Bride, the Monster says, “You Stay. We belong dead!” He pulls the lever, and blows the tower to smithereens.
In this new limited edition print, Drew Friedman imagines a happier ending to the film, the marriage of The Monster and his Bride.
This new work cannot be shipped before this Halloween, but is being issued now in the spirit of Halloween.